Greenhouse Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System - UbiBot GS1

2020-04-26 10:14:47

Greenhouses, no matter how big or small, are quite the handful. They require a lot of work and dedication, as well as the right conditions to successfully grow plants in them. Greenhouse gardeners know how important it is to keep the proper humidity and temperature in this environment. Failing to do so, will often result in a lot of damage.

By default, greenhouses are warm because they are built in a way that they let sunlight pass through the glass and then trap the warmth inside. Still, even with this, the temperatures are not constant, and they need extra monitoring and regulation. Greenhouses cannot keep the temperature at the same level by themselves, and often they require extra heat or cooling down.

To operate a greenhouse in the long term, one must understand the basics behind it, including how to control this very, if not most, important aspect. Another crucial matter is to maintain humidity at the appropriate level and to not let it get too high or too low. Although this might have been a tedious task years ago, today it can be handled with a single solution - wireless temperature monitoring sensors. This smart technology allows users to remotely monitor and keep track of the temperature within a facility, no matter how big or small it is, by using the Internet of Things (IoT) to simplify the entire process.

Greenhouse gardeners no longer need to manually do all the work, as this can be done by using one of the best greenhouse monitoring solutions on the market - the UbiBot GS1. Before we get to that, let’s see why it is so necessary to keep a close eye on humidity and temperature in a greenhouse, and how to properly do it.

The Importance Of Monitoring Greenhouse Temperature and Humidity

A greenhouse is an excellent way of growing plants, whether you are a gardener, a farmer, or you run a large business. Still, no matter the size they require special treatment and a lot of attention.

One of the main things in greenhouse gardening is to adjust the temperature and humidity and to keep them consistent. Ideally, temperatures in a greenhouse range from 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit or 26 to 29 degrees Celsius. However, outdoor conditions can affect these parameters, and they can disrupt the temperature indoors. When this happens, there is a high chance for the plants to dry and die out.

More often than not, as the temperature inside the glass rises, so does the humidity. High humidity can be the main cause of fungal infections or an outbreak of culprits in plants since moisture keeps building up without any proper regulation. As opposed to that, in winter, as the temperatures fall significantly during the night, temperatures inside a greenhouse can also decrease causing malnourished plants and bad crops.

There are a lot of things included in the process of growing plants this way, from installing fitting vents to 24/7 monitoring of the humidity and air in the contained space. With that, you need a proper solution that will make this method a whole lot easier by replacing manual work with advanced wireless sensors that can track all metric changes, including temperature and humidity. For that, we introduce you to the UbiBot GS1 - the latest solution for effective and smooth greenhouse gardening.

Introducing UbiBot GS1 - Temperature and Humidity Sensing Device

The GS1 temperature and humidity sensing device from UbiBot is the perfect solution for greenhouse control, thanks to its numerous features. The GS1 model is more resistant compared to the other UbiBot devices, making it perfect for harsher industrial environments and high humidity. It consists of different distributed nodes of a wireless sensor that can monitor the temperature in the greenhouse, as well as the humidity, the air, the light, etc., and it comes with instant data visualization through a 4’’ LCD screen.

UbiBot GS1 is a handy temperature sensing device that monitors the changes in the environment 24/7 and alerts the user if the metrics are off or if the system stops working. The data that the sensors collect is synchronized with the UbiBot IoT Platform through Wi-Fi and backed up on the cloud. From there, users can access it through their phone, computer, or tablet, for as long as they have an active internet connection. Users can either download the app on their phone or access the cloud via a browser.

Since greenhouses have different indoor conditions, including excessive heat and humidity, this sensor device is made to be waterproof against rain and spray. For additional convenience, UbiBot GS1 has large internal storage that can keep extensive amounts of data, and it has low energy consumption and multiple power supply methods.

UbiBot, as a brand, prides itself in its feature-rich and cost-effective alternatives, suitable not only for greenhouses but for all sorts of facilities, businesses, entire industries, and homes. Although they differ in some aspects, all UbiBot devices are secure and private, and they work on the same principles. You can monitor the facility, and you will receive alerts every time there is some kind of a change that can be critical for the wellbeing of the contents in the room. Additionally, you can allow access to other users as well, such as family members, colleagues, or staff members.

The Future Of Greenhouse Gardening

The way you take care of your greenhouse will later determine the results you get from it. Your greenhouse plants can thrive, as long as you keep them in good shape, by keeping the right temperature and the humidity they need. So, make sure that you do the right choice and get the UbiBot temperature monitoring sensor for your greenhouse.